Destiny: To live, to be exiled or to die.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Chapter 49: To Hunt Or Not To Hunt


    It took them a while to find a good place to settle. Mist had marked her territory and plopped down beside Wisp. "Now, we need to hunt," said Mist.
    "Should we?" inquired Wisp, not feeling particularly hungry.
    Mist yawned. "I'm tired, go hunt me a hare or something," she said.
    "Tch, as if," Wisp playfully said as he stood up and went off to search for food. As much as he didn't want to, the two needed to eat.
    Instead of setting in a hunting mood, Wisp decided to take a stroll instead. Losing his mother had been hard enough, needing to let go of Midnyx was even harder. Then, Dusk disappeared after they bonded, even if they had a lot of arguments, and then his father. Even if he doesn't really care for Darke, his father had been a pleasant break for him in life...
    Along with his father, the entire pack.
    The place they picked wasn't too grassy, more of a barren and rocky one, with dried grass here and there. Wisp didn't think that finding a bunny would be possible here, but he tried to search for one anyway.
    After all, he didn't want to lose Mist either.
    Wisp continued to walk down the barren hill, remembering that Darren, Terra and Escarda were just a few miles away, and that Darren was willing to help them if they couldn't fend for themselves. However, Wisp wanted to show the wolf that he was more than capable.
    More than his father was in leading his pack.
    There wasn't a bunny in sight, as Wisp has expected, but Mist wanted one. So did Wisp, but he wished for a drink too.
    How did Darren survive in the barren wild for such a long time?
    Hold on. The hill. Wasn't Escarda hunting beyond there?
    Wisp paused. Perhaps there was a grassy meadow beyond there, concealing prey.
    Darren was probably too upset about the death of Darke to remember- typical him.
    Wisp turned and ran towards the path he remembered to have taken to Darren. With luck, Mist wouldn't be dying of starvation right now.
    Wisp wandered around before actually finding the right spot. Darren and Escarda were talking about the possibilities of what happened to the rest of the pack. The wolf generals- probably Rocky and Nyxtryx already made out and probably made plans for an entire pack for the years to come. They laughed.
    Wisp didn't bother greeting them. He was sneaking away if anything.
    "Hey, where are you off to?" said a feminine voice. Wisp turned back and saw a brown wolf standing there, stiffly, looking at him.
    "Oh, Terra," Wisp said, feeling awkward. "Um, hi."
    "Yeah, so... what are you doing here?" she inquired. "Aren't you with your... soulmate?"
    Wisp stiffly laughed. "Soulmate? It's nothing of the sort... I- Is there food over this hill?"
    Terra shrugged. "There should be, we came from there, hunted there as well, but, as for now, I can't say."
    "I see, thank you," said Wisp and decided to head off.
    Wisp barely heard Terra say, "Be cautious and don't get lost."

    The fields were vast, tall grass sprouting from every inch of the ground. A few fowl sent shrill cries from the skies, but Wisp paid no heed to them. He had spotted a young hare between the blades of grass.
    Slowly... Yes...
    Wisp pounced, but the hare zig-zagged away, trying to throw Wisp off. He was getting frustrated and wanted that hare.
    Suddenly it disappeared. Wisp halted. It had jumped into a hole.
    Cursing the hole and the hare, Wisp slunk off. Just before he realised what happened, there was the sound of squealing. Wisp glanced back, a fox had the hare in it's jaws and ran off.
    Digging... Wisp cursed the fox and the hare.
    With those two around- and the hole as well- he might never get to taste anymore easily-earned food.
    Unless he stole from Darren.

Author's Note: Kyaaa sorry for not updating in forever! I'm horrible at keeping schedules oops... However, I assure you next chapter is coming in two weeks as scheduled! Sorry again!

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